Friday, May 22, 2009

Interview with Mark Breakspear about effects work on "Illuminati"

Got this interesting interview with Mark Brealspear about the environment effects work on "Illuminati". Impressive how the movie played in cities and known places, where they never went shooting.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Hold your breath: the making of Carousel (Philips 21:9 webspot)

It's out. Stink Digital made it and it's amazing, that they did it so straight forward. Sounds like the VFX classics: ropes, wires a precise motion control, some cgi extras and a very rock solid preproduction before. But what I still doesn't got is how they made them so perfectly breathless. Must have been tons of painting (perhaps with lots of 3D camera projections?).

Anyway, amazing work and amazing to see, how straight forward that was.

PS: The only thing, that didn't sound film production like for me was "3 days of shooting"... ;)

by Kui

Amazing architectural work

Have a look at these fantastic renderings by Alessandro Prodan at CGSociety. It's all CGI. No photographic material. Amazing how far you can get by using off the shelf tools, in this case Maya paint effects for all the plants and Mental Ray for the rendering. The shader were based on the standard MIA material delivered with Mental Ray.

Interesting if I'm thinking about movie workflow for this: he used a standard quadcore intel (Q9550) with 4GB of RAM, which isn't that amazing anymore. The rendering took 2-3 hours per image at 1.4K image resulution. So looking forward in probably five years we will be able to get this picture quality in 10 minutes. On the other hand you'll need a talented artist like Alessandro of course. That's a thing, that'll never change! So, thumbs up and to say it clear and again: Great work Alessandro :D

Here's some more inspiration btw:

by Zap